Friday, January 7, 2011

Dear me

As part of the Sisterhood's Power of
One Challenge, we have been asked to write a letter to our 2011 selves, written
by our 2012 self. Confusing? Just a little, but not really. Basically I need to
pretend to jump ahead a year and write a letter to myself as I am now.
that clears it up, right? Oh well, I get it and maybe you will

Dear 2011 Sue,

I am writing this letter to you and looking back on all that you have accomplished over the past year. I know that while you are reading this you are probably not thinking that these accomplishments can happen, but I am here to tell you that they can!

Over this past year, you have become a runner. You have had your ups and downs, but you DID run that 5K with Pat and went on to do even more.

You also rang in your 40th birthday like a champ. It was all you had hoped it would be. You were the healthiest you have been in years on that day and met your goal! Way to go, girl!

On the non-fitness side of things, you and Pat had a great chance to reconnect, finally following through on your plans to take a weekend away together. It was hard to coordinate, but you did it and it was just what your marriage needed. You both were then able to refocus on what is truly important in life.

By getting yourself together, you were more available to the girls. your patience grew and the whole family benefited from it. They still fight and get on your nerves, but the house is happier!

In order to make all of this actually happen, you need to keep doing what you are doing. Don't give up when things get difficult. Push through the hard times, keep running, keep moving and get your head in the right place. Don't give up when things get to be too hard, and be sure to lean on Pat when you need to. That is what he is there for!

I love you and by 2012 you will love me back!

Love always,

2012 Sue


  1. I love this!! Probably because our 2011's are very similar!!

  2. Love your letter! So great that you included some great strides for your personal life as well. So important. I can't wait to see it all unfold!

  3. great letter...can't wait to see where 2011 takes you!
