Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May Your Way Weigh-In #2

I'm participating in the May Your Way Challenge with the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans this month. I would love to say that I had another awesome week like last week. unfortunately, the great momentum I had last week waned a bit. I didn't get to workout like I thought I would, and the leftover Easter candy constantly called my name.

It wasn't a horrible weigh-in, but it could have been so much better. I did do awesome on drinking my water (averaged about 70-80 oz a day!)

I went to the gym yesterday after work and managed to run/walk a 5K in 40 min. I was pretty happy with myself since I took so much time off from running. my hopes of running in a 5K race at the end of the month are shot. Must find another one, soon!

Here are my numbers for the week:

Starting weight..........................187.2
Challenge starting weight.......186.6
Last week...................................183.4
This week...................................183.0
Challenge loss...............................3.6

Total Loss.......................................4.2

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May Your Way Weigh-in #1

I started the May Your Way challenge with the Sisterhood of the shrinking jeans on Sunday, May 1. Today is the first weigh-in and I was excited to step on the scale! Even though it had only been a few day, I was feeling good. I've been logging in my food intake and kept active, I knew there would already be a loss!

My goals for this challenge are going well. It is a busy time of year, but I am determined to get the exercise in! My husband was scheduled to be on evenings this week, so I felt I would have the time to go to the gym after work before having to be home to let the dog out. Monday, I screwed up and didn't take my clothes to work, by the time I got home, we got involved in things and I felt that I couldn't abandon my hubby with all the kids after staying home all day with the 3 year old (we have daycare issues this week). Tuesday, I spent all morning proctoring an AP Computer Science exam. Proctors are not allowed to do anything but watch the kids take the exam; it is soooo boring. So, I wore comfortable clothes, my sneakers, downloaded a pedometer app, and just paced around the room for most of the test. I managed to walk over 6000 steps just during testing! I was able to squeeze in some time in the gym after work as well. My body did not enjoy running after weeks of vacation. It has been screaming at me all day today!

I am sore today, and the schedule does not allow me time at the gym. However, I walked during my AP proctoring again today, despite my feet being angry! Hoping to get to the gym tomorrow after work! Once I get back into my routine, things will be much better!

Here are my weekly numbers:

Starting weight...........................................187.2
Challenge starting weight..........................186.6
This week....................................................183.4
Challenge loss.................................................3.2

Total Loss.......................................................3.8

Monday, May 2, 2011

back in the game

Things have not gone so well for me in the "be fit by forty" pursuit. I finished my last challenge with The Sisterhood and then stopped. I chose not to do the next challenge but chose to do it on my own.

That didn't go so well.

A little over a month ago, we brought a new puppy into our lives. While he is awesome, I had forgotten how time consuming it would be. I found myself sacrificing my workout time to rush home and let him out of his crate. I haven't' worked out or ran since he came home. I feel like shit because of it.

Eating-wise, I didn't feel that I was doing bad. I gave up candy for Lent, which was so hard, but managed to do it, without cheating! I was even good over Easter break. I got on the scale for the first time in a few weeks on Sunday-it was not pretty. I had put on over 5 lbs! Clearly, something needs to be done.

So, I am joining up with The Sisterhood for the May Your Way Challenge. My goals for this challenge are more about getting back into the workout routine, the weight loss should just be an added bonus!

Workout/run 3-5 days a week
Drink enough water
Lose 5+ pounds

Join me in this challenge!