Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May Your Way Weigh-In #2

I'm participating in the May Your Way Challenge with the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans this month. I would love to say that I had another awesome week like last week. unfortunately, the great momentum I had last week waned a bit. I didn't get to workout like I thought I would, and the leftover Easter candy constantly called my name.

It wasn't a horrible weigh-in, but it could have been so much better. I did do awesome on drinking my water (averaged about 70-80 oz a day!)

I went to the gym yesterday after work and managed to run/walk a 5K in 40 min. I was pretty happy with myself since I took so much time off from running. my hopes of running in a 5K race at the end of the month are shot. Must find another one, soon!

Here are my numbers for the week:

Starting weight..........................187.2
Challenge starting weight.......186.6
Last week...................................183.4
This week...................................183.0
Challenge loss...............................3.6

Total Loss.......................................4.2


  1. keep up the great work on your runs!! :)

    hopefully the candy has been finished off and is out of your hair until next year.

    have a great week!!

  2. you are doing really good on the challenge. Keep up the good work!

  3. Keep it up! Consistency is key in this journey! Great run pace!!
